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Intimate therapy of Savitry

tantric sexual therapy and psychotherapy

Intimate therapy of Savitry

tantric sexual therapy and psychotherapy


Savitryi therapies are long-term deep healing processes.

For your part, it is necessary to have the determination, motivation and stamina to undergo these therapies. You will get the best from us. We are the only ones in Slovakia who provide tantric therapies. We work together to heal your being's physical, emotional, mental and sexual levels.


How will therapy help you in your life?


  • You will get rid of your beams and blocks

  • you will understand what a man needs in sex and a relationship and what a woman needs

  • you will understand your feelings and desires

  • you will sensitize your body and experience orgasms

  • as a man you will strengthen your stamina in love

  • you will begin to communicate your needs openly and set healthy boundaries

  • you build a healthy self-confidence

  • you will learn to maintain mutual sexual attraction in a relationship

  • your life will become happier overall

Vyberte si druh terapie a ošetrenia

Ak si neviete vybrať, zavolajte nám  / napíšte nám a dohodneme si konzultáciu:

Vedomé terapeutické

Vedomé terapeutické rozhovory o intimite, sexualite a tele. Všetko, čo vás trápi a o čom ste sa nemohli porozprávať s rodičmi. Bez dotyku.

dotyková terapia

Využite pre seba

terapeutické účinky

dotyku, ktoré sú známe

už tisíce rokov.

Neobsahuje masáž



Tieto programy masáží vám dlhodobo zvýšia úroveň životnej energie, a tým sa prirozdene a zdravo zvýši vaša radosť a chuť do života.

Hlbinné intímne terapie

Pomôžeme vám prekonať aj tie najťažšie chvíle vášho života vďaka silne liečivým a oslobodzujúcim technikám.


Dear Xenyi, I would like to thank you for your therapy with which I conducted me. You are an amazing woman fully conscious and experienced. Everything you touch comes to life and nourishes. Thanks to you and the energy flowing through you, I can be the one I dared to be after your therapy today. And this is the wife and mother of a real mother of a 4-month-old daughter.  Thanks to your faith, a sleeping woman awoke in me, who could come to life when the girl underwent treatment in her. Family relationships have improved. A man who had and now is the wonderful loving husband and caring father of our daughter came to my life. Thank you very much and I can only recommend you to women who need to come to life and also to those who would like to have a baby. Your energy is healing. 

Alexandra, 27 years old

Gentle touch therapy

Take advantage of the therapeutic effects of touch, which have been known for thousands of years. 
In conjunction with the conscious use of your life energy
you will achieve the desired changes in your life.
Does not include intimate massage.


This gentle touch therapy will bring you:

  • harmonizing your energy centers of the body

  • fine tuning of your life energy

  • stimulating your zest for life

  • the complete, loving and healing presence of the therapist

  • relaxing your mind and body

  • and other options, which we will prepare CUSTOMIZED FOR YOU


How meetings are conducted:

  • During 7 meetings in a span of 5 months, we gradually address each chakra. 

  • Each session contains 60 min. massage + 30 min. consultation 

  • We will balance your energy centers (chakras) with gentle touches. You will leave calmed, satisfied, rested. You will have a lighter body, an empty mind and more joy in life. 

  • Therapeutic sessions take place in underwear and a sarong (a large scarf), without massage of intimate parts.



  • Non-binding consultation 45 min.     39 €

  • Therapeutic complex, 7 meetings over 5 months, 630 min.

  • It is paid in advance before the first meeting.

  • We look forward to serving you: Are you interested in our services, but currently unable to pay for them according to our terms and conditions? Do not hesitate to contact us and we will find a solution together.

  • IBAN: SK25 8330 0000 0022 0119 1543
    Registration number: 2201191543/8330
    VS: the date of the first term you are applying for
    In note: your name 


  • See alsoCancellation terms




Healing and nourishing comprehensive massage programs

Re-awaken life in your body. Current techniques of sex work with the body, shiatsu, reflexology enrich the basics of classical tantra. Comprehensive healing and revitalizing massage programs. Increasing the ability to accept oneself and experience one's own body.

We are here to help you: Are you interested in our services, but currently unable to pay for them according to our terms? Do not hesitate to contact us and we will find a solution together.




Healing and nourishing comprehensive massage programs

Re-awaken life in your body. Current techniques of sex work with the body, shiatsu, reflexology enrich the basics of classical tantra. Comprehensive healing and revitalizing massage programs. Increasing the ability to accept oneself and experience one's own body.

Sávitryí VITALITY massage programs for you  they will increase the level of life energy in the long run, and thus your joy and zest for life will increase naturally and healthily







VITALITY programs  they are  compound  so that your body creates and learns to process a high supply of sexual energy. The individual parts of the body are released to a greater depth with each massage. At the same time, they are nourished, revitalized and toned. The effects of individual massages are multiplied.

We are here to help you: Are you interested in our services, but currently unable to pay for them according to our terms? Do not hesitate to contact us and we will find a solution together.



Tantric sex therapy​

Therapeutic cycle

Tantra touches the strongest life energy, the sexual one.

We find healing aspects in it on many levels.


Through present experience, this therapy will bring you:

  • support of your individual sexual energy - orgasm, erection, premature ejaculation

  • healing of your genitals - penis, vagina, prostate, G-spot, breasts

  • the supply of new energy and the removal of blocks that prevent you from an open experience of joy

  • loving acceptance of your own body's imperfections

  • shedding false shame and increasing self-confidence

  • emphasis on the values of inner beauty and radiance

  • socially healthy behavior and finding self-worth

  • sharing intimacy in two and healing partner relationships

How meetings are conducted:

Sessions are dedicated to healing and restoring the cornerstones of your energy body. They also touch your darkness, thirteen chambers, prohibitions and studies. They anchor you in the physical body and in reality.

You will understand, and especially directly feel, the male-female polarity, you will understand when and how energy flows between two individuals, or where it is blocked. And how do you harmonize this polarity within yourself.


Methodology of the meeting:

It is individual according to your intention:

  • psychotherapeutic or coaching consultation

  • tantra massage

  • breathing, movement, meditation techniques

  • Reiki, rituals, holotropic breathing and other techniques as the session progresses

In addition to these therapies, Zuzana Blašková (Freya) performs homeopathy on request.


Choose what you need right now:

  • An initial introduction - consultation only - to the techniques and possibilities of Tantra sexual therapy
    for individuals and pairs (price is the same)   45 min.  €39
    (If you opt for complex therapy, the total price will be €39 lower)


  • Comprehensive sessions of Tantra sexual therapy during 5 months
    for individuals     6 x 150 min.,  900 min.      for €850 (at €140)
    It is paid together before the first meeting.


Payment terms


  • Price according to your chosen therapy (see offer above).

  • We look forward to serving you: Are you interested in our services, but currently unable to pay for them according to our terms and conditions? Do not hesitate to contact us and we will find a solution together.

  • Payment in advance before the first meeting.

  • IBAN: SK25 8330 0000 0022 0119 1543

  • In the note: your name + date of the first term you are signing up for 

  • See alsoCancellation terms

Silne liečivá a oslobodzujúca terapia vám prinesie:

  • zbavenie sa rôznych foriem strachov a fóbií

  • pochopenie a preliečenie vašich stavov úzkosti, negatívnych presvedčení či depresií

  • prekonanie už minulých alebo súčasných krízových situácii vo vašom živote:
    rozvod, rozchod, nezamestnanosť, choroba, úmrtie, postihnutie, závislosti (alkohol, drogy...)

  • spracovanie pocitov studu a strachu zo znásilnenia, odmietania, opustenia

  • preliečenie vyšich emočených i fyzických jaziev na tele a duši

  • odstránenie blokov, ktoré vám bránia žiť šťastný a naplnený život

  • a iné situácie z vášho života


Ako prebiehajú stretnutia:

Terapeutický komplex 6 stretnutní počas 6-8 mesiacov v trvaní 3h:

  • Tantra - masáž / regresia

  • Psychoterapia

  • Všetky potrebné informácie získate na Nezáväznej konzultácii



  • Nezáväzná konzultácia 45 min.     39 €
    (Ak sa rozhodnete pre terapiu, celková cena bude nižšia o 39 €)


  • Terapeutický komplex 6 stretnutí počas 6-8 mesiacov (celkovo 18 h).     1 800 € (100 € / 1 h)

  • Zvýhodnenie 200 € pri platbe vopred a naraz celý komplex

  • Možnosť platby na 2x po 900 €

  • Platí sa vopred pred prvým stretnutím.

  • Vychádzame vám v ústrety: Máte o naše služby záujem, ale momentálne ich neviete zaplatiť podľa našich podmienok? Neváhajte nás kontaktovať a nájdeme spolu riešenie. 

  • IBAN: SK25 8330 0000 0022 0119 1543
    VS: dátum prvého termínu, na ktorý sa prihlasujete
    Do poznámky: vaše meno


  • Pozri aj Storno podmienky: Ak ste si zaplatili Terapeutický balík a medzi jednotlivými stretnutiami je viac ako 2-mesačná pauza (ak sa z rôznych dôvodov neozývate, neobjednávate), zvyšná suma za terapeutický balík prepadá v prospech terapeuta. Pretože po 2 mesiacoch bez kontaktu liečivá terapeutická energia nie je aktívna. Je to vaša zodpovednosť vedome pristupovať k liečeniu a spolupracovať.


hlbinna terapia

"Dear Xenyi, I am writing to you about our meeting / therapy today. I would never expect I to experience something like this. I still can't remember. What I've been through can't even be described in words. As we know, my brain is struggling, trying to block those emotions, feelings. I preferred to hold back the sighs, I relaxed so much that I probably didn't even notice it ... I survived something that could not be described, the excitement, such an unreal pulsation, the routes, as if I was cold ...  I want to thank you and most of all I'm glad to meet you. "

Ľubica, 34 years old


I pass on my personal know-how, my life and practical experience during therapies, at workshops, at the Tantra Sávitryí massage school and at courses. Tantra is not an instant soup, it is a long process.   If you are interested in quality tantric and sexological therapies, they will be happy to help you  I will translate it in depth.


In my submission, it is a transformational tantric process designed for people who know what they want.  


Xenyie, Tantra Teacher


Vzájomné dotyky, se*uálne ani erotické služby nespokytujeme.

Od r. 2008 vytvárame bezpečné a profesionálne prostredie pre kultiváciu vašej se*uálnej energie.
Kladieme dôraz na našu odbornosť a obojstranný rešpekt.

Write to us, book your massage or just ask

I acknowledge that my personal data (name, phone number, e-mail, or billing data) are processed for further communication and proper performance of services. Privacy Policy

Thanks for your message, we will respond to you as soon as possible. If you don't receive our reply within 3 days, check SPAM in your e-mail box, or call us. Team Savitryi


★ Nitra ★ Na objednanie: pondelok až nedeľa 8:00 – 22:00, +421904023256

★ Dolný Kubín ★ Na objednanie: pondelok až nedeľa 8:00 – 22:00, +421910902764

★ ČR Dobříš ★ na objednanie, +421905343543 

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  • YouTube - Bílý kruh

You could see us:


★ Bratislava ★ Open: Monday to Sunday 8:00 - 22:00, +421905343543


★ Nitra ★ Open: Monday to Sunday 8:00 - 22:00, +421904023256
★ Dolný Kubín ★ Open: Monday to Sunday 8:00 - 22:00, +421910902764

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